Capgemini to acquire Design + Industry, citing growth ambitions in Australia

French technology consultancy Capgemini has announced that it will acquire product design and development specialist Design + Industry (D+I.) In a short statement on Tuesday morning (Sydney time), Capgemini said the acquisition will improve its offerings within Australia, “notably in the development and delivery of products from initial concepts through to production.” The size of…

Australian R&D, no long term research strategy – report

By Dr John Howard The Acton Institute for Policy Research and Innovation’s latest study examines the institutional settings for research systems in Australia, Canada, Germany, Israel, South Korea, the UK, and the USA, focusing on their interaction with innovation ecosystems and with the broader innovation ecosystem. The report finds that Australia’s research system is heavily…

Diraq raises further US$7m, bringing total capital raise to US$22m

Quantum computing processor developer Diraq has announced an additional $7 million USD in Series A funding, bringing the total round funding raised to $22 million. The company attracted further investment from strategic investors including Main Sequence, Taronga Ventures, Uniseed and UniSuper, Co:Act Capital as funding from foundation shareholder and research partner, UNSW, Sydney. Diraq’s Series…