Manufacturing News

Best of the week — the five most popular stories among readers, June 17 – June 21, 2024

Manufacturing News

What were the five biggest stories of the week? Here’s what visitors to @AuManufacturing were reading.

5) Bosch to install automated heliostat line at RayGen’s facility by year’s end

Bosch Australia Manufacturing Solutions (BAMS) has announced that it is working with solar cell manufacturer and renewable energy project developer RayGen Resources to automate production.

In a statement from Bosch on Thursday, it said the project was focussed on assembly of heliostats, which track the sun and focus its light. Assembly will be on a “highly automated production line” designed by BAMS and deployed on site at RayGen’s first utility-scale project “by the end of the year”.

“Automating our assembly processes with the best industry experts is essential for our mission to scale RayGen’s technology to a global customer base. We’re delighted to partner with Bosch Australia Manufacturing Solutions and we look forward to working more closely with the Bosch team,” said RayGen Chief Executive Officer, Richard Payne.

4) Local content a factor in Illawarra wind turbine construction

The use of local components and wider economic benefits to the community will be key considerations in Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen’s selection of companies to construct Australia’s new offshore wind farms.

Bowen made the commitment talking at BlueScope Steel’s Port Kembla plant after announcing the declaration of an offshore wind production zone off the Illawarra coast in New South Wales.

The Illawarra zone is the fourth zone declared by the government out of six to be named – already declared are Southern Ocean, Gippsland and Hunter, with Canberra still considering Bass Strait and Bunbury.

3) Few Australian companies even perform R&D – R&D scorecard

The Australian government used to publish a Business R&D Investment Scorecard, providing insight into how companies are investing in their future. Here John H Howard, Victor Pantano and Cameron Begley produce their own scorecard – which suggests fewer Australian companies are bothering with R&D.

2) Defence giants join to form new Australian submarine company

Defence giants Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII) and Babcock have formed a new joint venture H&B Defence to develop sovereign capability for the AUKUS conventional armed, nuclear-powered submarine programme.

H&B Defence combines nuclear submarine and shipbuilding experience from Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States to support the nuclear-powered submarine programme unforlding under AUKUS.

HII constructs the US Navy’s Virginia class nuclear submarines, while Babcock sustains the UK nuclear submarine fleet.

1) A Future Made in Australia in a world of cheap imports

The Future Made in Australia is great if you are in one of the chosen new high growth sectors that are its focus. But what of existing, centuries old manufacturing value chains assailed by cheap online retailing? By Allyn Beard.

Australian Made manufacturing requires the attention of our policymakers to ensure onshore processes remain an integral and valued part of the economy.

Only with this support will we ensure that the industry continues to prosper for generations to come.

Picture: Albany Wind Farm, Western Australia (credit Nachoman-au/Wikimedia Commons)


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